Monday, 17 May 2021

Up and running again....

Today is a red-letter day, when we can start to resume a more normal lifestyle.  Lockdown restrictions mean more freedom, lets hope the dark days of isolation are behind us.  It's been a time for reflection, and doing things we havn't had time to do.  I have spun a lot of wool, and some Alpaca, some old projects that had been shelved have been finished, and true to say that some of the enthusiasm for making those has gone, but they were nevertheless finished.  I found some Shetland fibres, and a pattern book, so spun all the Shetland and hand knitted a hat.  I have plenty of yarn left to make something else, perhaps to use it with another spun yarn so it will make a wearable item (sweater, cardigan, etc.), I shall search for a pattern, or maybe just write my own.

I have made some mice with very fine yarns, all colours.  I think too, they have been searching for freedom. 

I've made a number of sweaters, mostly for children, since last November.  I think more than10, but my yarn stash is not much depleted, there will be enough left to make more for the children for next winter.  I've made Star-wars figures in crochet, I'll photograph them and post them next time.